Unraveling the Enigma: Mysterious Deaths of Indian Scientists – A Startling Saga of International Intrigue Involving CIA, ISI & CCP

Homi Jehangir Bhabha, a prominent and respected figure in India’s scientific community, is often revered as the “father of India’s nuclear program” due to his significant contributions to nuclear physics. Before his untimely passing, Bhabha made a momentous statement during an address to All India Radio, revealing India’s potential to develop a nuclear bomb from plutonium within just 18 months.

However, certain allegations have emerged, particularly documented in the book “Conversations with the Crow” which is based on an interview by journalist Gregory Douglas with Robert T. Crowley, the second in command of the CIA’s Directorate of Operations. In this interview, it was suggested that the CIA may have played a role in the tragic plane crash that claimed the life of Homi Jehangir Bhabha near the Alps on January 24, 1966. These allegations point to a startling revelation of a purported well-planned international conspiracy by adversaries of India, involving the mysterious deaths of Indian scientists. These deaths were reportedly falsely reported as natural occurrences, potentially aimed at obstructing India’s progress in nuclear technology and space exploration.

Among the incidents that have raised suspicions is the demise of Vikram Sarabhai, a pioneering figure in India’s space program, who was found dead in a hotel room in Kovalam. Additionally, the case of former ISRO scientist Nambi Narayanan, falsely implicated in an espionage case, further adds to the doubts. Narayanan’s contributions to cryogenics technology, which played a crucial role in recent Chandrayaan missions, suffered setbacks due to his arrest. Moreover, the arrest also led to the cancellation of a deal with Russia to transfer cryogenics engine technology to India, allegedly influenced by pressure from the United States.

Startling revelations have emerged from Mumbai-based Right to Information activist Chetan Kothari, who claims that around 684 employees of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) lost their lives between 1995 and 2010. Additionally, he asserts that 197 scientists and employees from nuclear establishments committed suicide during this period, and 1733 others died due to various illnesses. Many of these deaths remain “unexplained.”

Curiously, between 2009 and 2013, during the UPA2 regime, several top scientists involved in critical research at the Department of Atomic Energy died under mysterious and unexplained circumstances.

The Indian government’s silence on these mysterious deaths has raised concerns about the safety and security of the nation’s high-value intellectual resources. Many of the deceased scientists were reportedly engaged in research related to fast breeder reactors and thorium-based reactors. Intriguingly, during the UPA2 regime, media reports exposed a scam involving illegal mining and export of thorium, estimated to be worth Rs. 60 lakh crores. The beach sands of Tamil Nadu and Kerala, rich in heavy minerals like ilmenite, rutile, leucoxene, garnet, sillimanite, zircon, and monazite, were at the center of this controversy.

Given these factors, suspicions have been raised that the CIA, Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), and the Communist Party of China might be involved in the high-profile unnatural deaths of Indian scientists. The motive behind these alleged actions is purportedly to prevent India from excelling in space research programs and impede the development of indigenous thorium-based reactors, which could enable India to achieve self-sufficiency in its nuclear requirements.

3 thoughts on “Unraveling the Enigma: Mysterious Deaths of Indian Scientists – A Startling Saga of International Intrigue Involving CIA, ISI & CCP

  1. Alongwith foreign players involved in our scientists’ deaths our previous govts. must have prepared conducive playing field for them!

  2. Even in those days mystery over the deaths of Homi Bhabha and Vikram Sarabhai were spoken about in hushed voices just as Netaji’s and Lal Bahadur Shastriji’s.

  3. Is it not possible for the collegues of the diceased scientists to come out in public and given their response on the un-natural deaths of their colleagues !

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