Exploring the Potential of the Vedic Economy and Vedic Stock Exchange

The Indian economy in the recent years has been harnessing the potential of the religious and…

INSTC: Assessing impact on Indian trade and geopolitical situation

Introduction The International North South Transport Corridor (INSTC), initially launched by India, Iran and Russia in…

Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) in the Indian Start-up Ecosystem

Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) in the Indian Start-up Ecosystem

Global Power Struggles, Currency Wars, and The Third World: Examining the Influence of Global AMCs on Economic and Geopolitical Realities

Do Asset Management Companies like Black Rock, State Street and Vanguard play a prominent role in…

Regulation of Gig Platforms and Work Rights in India

With the advent of companies like Uber, Ola and Zomato, there has been a major disruption…

How “RELIGION” is being used as propaganda tool across the world ?

“A system of faith and worship”, that is how we define religion. Throughout history humans have…

Just War Doctrine : A 5th Generation Perspective

What constitutes the definition of war? It can be any conflict involving serious dangers to a…

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