Examining the complex dynamics and conspiracies surrounding India’s political landscape and international influences.

Opposition party Congress is seeking Intervention from America and Europe to restore democracy in India by interfering in India’s electoral process.

The 2024 Lok Sabha elections will be a litmus test for the Indian National Congress’ survival, according to Mumbai-based columnist Sumeet Mehta, and “wherever Congress has lost three elections in a row, it has never returned to power by winning elections.” And, whenever elections are approaching, Hungarian-American businessman, billionaire investor, and founder of The Open Society Foundations GEORGE SOROS expresses concern about the country’s democracy and civil liberties. In a 2018 speech at the World Economic Forum, a year before the Lok Sabha elections of 2019, he heavily criticised the Indian government’s crackdown on civil society groups and accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government of using fear tactics and divisive rhetoric to consolidate power. Soros recently stated at the Munich Security Conference in February 2023 that Modi and business tycoon Adani are close allies whose fates are intertwined. The timing of Soros’ statement and the allegations levelled against the Adani Group by US short-seller Hindenburg Research point to a larger gameplan by the Global Ultra Left to destabilise Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s comeback chances in 2024 Lok Sabha Elections

Soros’ Open Society Foundations, the world’s largest private funder to clandestine groups ostensibly working for justice, democratic governance, and human rights, are accused of being involved in causing disruptions, regime change, and government overthrow. The 92-year-old economic terrorist has pledged one billion dollars to combat the spread of nationalist sentiments in India. In 2020, he chastised the Modi government for establishing a Hindu nationalist state, imposing punitive measures on the semi-autonomous region of Kashmir, and criticising the Citizenship Amendment Act for depriving millions of Muslims of their citizenship.The Open Society Foundation’s (OSF) Global Vice President Salil Shetty marched alongside Rahul Gandhi during his Bharat Jodo Yatra, demonstrating the foundation’s connection. According to reports, Harsh Mander, a former member of Sonia Gandhi’s National Advisory Council, has strong links to the Soros Foundation. Amrit Singh, the daughter of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, works as a human rights lawyer for the billionaire’s Open Society Justice Initiative.

The Open Society Foundation (OSF) is waging “fifth-generation warfare” against the government of Narendra Modi. The group is using a variety of non-traditional and unconventional tactics, such as disinformation campaigns, social media manipulation, and funding disgruntled elements, such as the New York-based foundation Sikh Coalition, to organise farmer’s protests with the goal of causing civil unrest, which will lead to law and order problems and anarchy. Former Chief of Defence Staff Bipin Rawat warned the Indian government about a two-and-a-half front war. And he had mentioned the half-front war, which resembles the clandestine activities of George Soros OSF, who funds and enlists self-styled intellectuals with the task of creating doctored narratives against democratically elected nationalist governments in order to dethrone them by installing compliant administration at the helm.

The Global Cabal, an organisation of corporate elites, is using American and European advocacy groups to target India in information warfare. The Seattle City Council recently passed Reckless law, which makes ‘caste’ a protected category under the city’s non-discrimination policy, thereby institutionalising bias against all residents of Indian and South Asian origin.

The cowardly attack on Hindu temples in Australia by Sikh For Justice-funded extremist Khalistani elements on the eve of the Khalistan referendum in Australia foreshadows more trouble for the diaspora living abroad.

The BBC has released propaganda against Prime Minister Narendra Modi, accusing him of failing to protect the Muslim minority and raising concerns about the police and judiciary’s impartiality in dealing with the violence.

China is reportedly building settlements across the Line of Actual Control, funding rebellious elements in the North East by stoking tensions between the ethnic tribes, and allegedly attempting to help Pakistan Pro Begum Khaleda Zia win the general elections later next year.

The Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC) and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in the United States have repeatedly run campaigns against the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), accusing the cultural organisation of promoting a Hindu supremacist agenda and of being involved in several acts of violence and discrimination against minority communities, including Muslims and Dalits. The propaganda’s goal is to organise protests in order to inflame communal tensions, violence, and create a distorted image of India as a preferred investment hub over China.

Academic institutes funded by globalists have repeatedly organised discussions on Hindutva’s impact on religious minorities in India, as well as the rise of Hindutva-inspired violence and discrimination against Muslims, Christians, Dalits, and other marginalised communities in India. These institutes conduct prejudicial, exclusionary, and divisive campaigns against the Hindu community in order to tarnish the multicultural diversity that exists in Bharat, where all religions are respected and communities live in peace and harmony.

This century’s deadliest train crash. When a passenger train collided with a stationary freight train and was then hit by a third train, at least 275 people were killed and over 1,000 others were injured. Stone pelting on Vande Bharat trains is part of the Cabal’s larger plan to derail the nation’s vital transportation lifeline, Indian Railways.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi is said to have met with Don Lu, the State Department’s assistant secretary of state for South Asia. He allegedly also visited the White House. The opposition leader made disparaging remarks about the Prime Minister while addressing to academics, technology professionals, and think tankers advocating “intervention of the US and Europe” in India’s domestic affairs in order to enable democratic transformation in India. The advocacy groups IAMC and CAIR, which are supported by Pakistan’s ISI, have urged that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visa be revoked and his ceremonial visit to the White House be canceled. Twitter co-founder and former CEO Jack Dorsey has accused the Indian government, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, of blocking accounts covering farmer demonstrations and criticizing the administration. He has also stated that the platform has been threatened with “a shutdown” and that raids have been conducted at its employees’ residences around the country.

The Global Cabal of Bilderberg Meeting held an annual conference recently, that brings together influential political leaders, business executives, intellectuals, and experts from various sectors including industry, finance, academia, labor, and the media. It is a secretive gathering held under the Chatham House Rule, which allows participants to freely express their views and opinions while maintaining confidentiality. The recent meeting took place in Lisbon, Portugal from May 18th to May 21st and covered a wide range of topics such as Artificial Intelligence, the banking system, China, energy transition, Europe, fiscal challenges, India, industrial policy and trade, NATO, Russia, transnational threats, Ukraine, and U.S. leadership.

Approximately 130 influential individuals from 23 countries in North America and Europe participated in the meeting, with a particular focus on India. This meeting took place following the G7 summit where the Indian Prime Minister was invited as an observer and an unexpected engagement with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky. These events reflect a planned strategy by Western-dominated influential interests to put pressure on India.

During the meeting, discussions were held on strategies to disrupt the Indo-Russian friendship, as India’s purchase of Russian crude oil at a discounted rate and its subsequent refining and export activities have caused discomfort among the group. The aim was to force India to invite Zelensky to the G20 summit, which will be held in New Delhi later this year. Notable attendees included Arvind Subramanian, Senior Fellow in International and Public Affairs at Brown University, and Ashley J. Tellis, Tata Chair for Strategic Affairs at the Carnegie Endowment.

The IMF forecasts 6.5% growth for India’s economy, and having the chair of the G20 and SCO allows India to exercise soft power abroad, which has grown tremendously since India’s Vaccine Diplomacy. Wheat exports to Afghanistan, as well as the timely dispatch of the NDRF team to earthquake-ravaged Turkey, have elevated India’s international standing. By embracing the spirit of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” as the G20’s guiding principle, India has demonstrated its commitment to creating a more equitable and prosperous world for all. The growing trade settlements of international trade in rupees, as well as the adoption of the United Payment Interface by around 30 countries, have positioned the exchange as a possible alternative to the SWIFT network,as well as the development of an indigenous defense manufacturing industry and space industry. All of these developments may be turning sour for the Global Ultra Left, and they may be employing all means of fifth generation warfare to derail Nationalist, Welfare-Oriented, Global Leader Narendra Modi’s return to power. The group seeks a compliant and subservient government in India that would align with their interests.

However, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has gained significant international recognition and is considered a prominent global leader capable of engaging with Western democracies, Middle Eastern Arab countries, and Russia. There are also reports of planned large-scale demonstrations orchestrated by the group, with predefined toolkits and funding provided to individuals posing as human rights activists from NGOs. The Wrestler protest, farmers protest are part of the larger gameplan.

It is evident that the Bilderberg Meeting and its participants are seeking to exert influence over global affairs, including India’s trajectory, through their discussions and strategies. However, India has gained trust and respect internationally through its foreign policy efforts, such as providing vaccines during the pandemic, extending humanitarian aid to countries like Afghanistan, and engaging in rescue and relief efforts in crisis-stricken areas. Despite the challenges posed by influential groups, India is emerging as a leader of the Global South and continues to pursue its ambitious plans for growth and development.

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