Is The Euromaidan Revolution – A Planned Western Coup ?

Geopolitical experts of present day say the Euromaidan revolution is the most misunderstood history of recent history. It was an event that happened in 2014 in Ukraine that was a show of great power gamemanship, which the Ukrainians call the “Revolution of Dignity.” It saw huge protestors turning out in large numbers without conflicting with the security forces, leading to the ouster of then-president Viktor Yanukovich.

How it unfolded

The revolution happened in February of 2014, witnessing large protestors chanting anti-government slogans, occupying government buildings, and finally dethroning then-president Viktor Yanukovich, a personality who was tilted toward Russia and, as per Ukrainians, was not the right person to carry the aspirations of Ukrainians and their dream of integration with Europe.Viktor Yanukovich, who had a history of being in the news, was also president in 2004 but was uprooted via the Orange Revolution and corruption, but he again challenged his luck to be the president of Ukraine and was successful. Viktor Yanukovich was known for his pro-Russian stance. Such was the connection that many say Kremlin played a vital role in his becoming president, there were many events that happened during his presidency.

Yanukovich’s dilemma 

1)For any country, energy security is a pivotal thing, and so for Victor Yanukovich as during his presidency, Russia offered cheap gas to Ukraine, which for any president is a lucrative offer to take, but the problem for him is that this acceptance of cheap energy for Yanukovich goes against the aspirations of Ukrainians who believe in Europe integration, and the deal would have meant more Russian tilting against Europe integration.

2)Moreover He came in limelight  as he wanted to turn Russia as Ukraine official language,this was an indicator to his pro Russian stance & again conflict with Ukrainian Europe dream

3) Viktor Yanukovich also rejected the motion for NATO inclusion, which was a huge blow to the Euro-Atlantic sympathisers of Ukraine.  

4) Viktor Yanukovich made a deal with Russia under which the Russian black sea fleet can access the Cremian island (which at that time belonged to Ukraine). This would have been a huge strategic advantage for Russia where it can have the accessibility and visibility in the black sea.His pro-Russian stance made Kremlin happy as this further satisfied Kremlin desire of making Ukraine a part of Russian territory,  but this was not it as Victor Yanukovich further said that the priority of his government and Ukraine is to “integrate with Europe.” Amid all this, his government also made an FTA with Europe, which was a counter balance to his pro-Russian stance, and this further helped him to solidify his place in Kiev and to further reclaim the lost confidence of Ukrainians.

The western role in 2014 Euromaidan revolution

The United States says the Euromaidan is not only a fight for dignity or the dignity revolution but also for civil rights, democratic rights, and to strengthen sovereignty inside Europe, but that was a pretext to their real intention. The combine west was fumed by Viktor Yanukovich pro stance on Russia moreover this was fulfilling to Russian motive in Ukraine moreover In east Europe as via UKRAINE Russia could have been created a Russian centric environment in East Europe which could be weakened the west Dominance in the region moreover this could have further depleted there great strategy of Coming closer & threatening Russian Security & this protest was a big opportunity  for west to undo the Russian success in Ukraine & to eradicate Russians centric Atmosphere in east Europe & this was also helpful to reset there narrative in East Asia & giving motive & longevity to Nato & they were successful in That as the outcome of Euromaidan revolution in Ukraine set pro West government in UKRAINE leading to more accessibility & visibility to Russia & further strengthening there cause of Weakening Russia & this changed East Europe as west laden narrative against to Russia helped them in Moldova as chisinau too witness a pro West Regime in the form of president Sandu .

The January 6 movement in February at Ukraine and the Role of the Far Right 

It’s been said that “The far right cares nothing for democracy, nor do they have any love for the EU. Instead, the Euromaidan protest was an opportunity for them.” For the far right, this was an opportunity to showcase their presence inside Ukraine and, moreover, to seek political benefits from the protest.

The Aftermath of Euro maidan 

The protest has changed the political scenario of Ukraine and moreover the whole of eastern Europe as this led to political transition, bringing the regime anti to Russia, and this led to a domino effect. As for the Kremlin, the answer of Euromaidan was the crisis seize leading to the start of the Great Russia-Ukraine war in the Donbass region, which emerged as the pretext of a Russian special operation in February 2014 inside Ukraine, bringing the first instability in Europe since WW2. Thus, the consequences of the protest in 2014 saw the outbreak of February 24, 2022, raising questions and projecting the outcome of what an intentional political transition can bring. Moreover, the sequence of this war is clear, which further brings clarity that will be helpful in bringing a solution and permanent peace in East Europe.

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