“Controversy Surrounding Obama’s Remarks on India and Potential Foreign Influence”

Former United States President Barak Hussain Obama warned India about the specific consequences of Balkanization of India for failing to protect the rights of nation’s second largest Muslim Majority who are approximately 15% of the population. The former head of America further stated that the democratically elected leadership under Narendra Modi had failed to protect the rights of the Muslims.

For long American based advocacy group funded by Pakistan and supported by George Soros like the Indian American Muslim Council, Council on American–Islamic Relations, Islamic Circle of North America have been peddling fake narratives and running dedicated campaign blaming the popularly elected Narendra Modi government for compromising the rights of Muslims by abrogating Article 370 in militancy infested Kashmir, passing of Citizen Amendment Act and the proposal to pass the Uniform Civil Code in the forthcoming parliament session.

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has repeatedly advised Biden Administration to list India as a “Country of Particular Concern”. The federal government agency has laid responsibility on the Central government for failing to protect the Christian Kuki population and added that 250 churches have been burned or damaged across the state.

The timing of the outburst assume importance after the sustained efforts of Democratic party hit squad of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Jamaal Bowman and Cori Bush failed to produce any tangible results for carrying out sustained anti India campaign. The Leftist – Jihadi Cabal funded by George Soros had to play their ace card with the former President Obama coming out spewing venom against Prime Minister Narendra Modi accusing him of acting dictatorial hurting the interest of Muslim, Christian, Sikh, and Adivasis populations.

The above mentioned groups have been traditional votebank of Indian National Congress. The Noble Peace Laureate former President who is responsible for regime changes in Iraq and Libya with the responsibility of deaths of millions of Iraqi Muslims have failed to understand about minority rights in India. The Indian Constitution guarantees fundamental rights and protections to all citizens, including religious and ethnic minorities. The Indian judiciary plays a vital role in upholding these constitutional safeguards and ensuring the fair treatment of all individuals.

Historically CIA supported the Khalistani extremist to weaken India in the late eighties, for India aligning with Soviets after the 1971 Indo Pakistan War. The Soviets accused Americans for plotting the assasination of Indira Gandhi. And in addition to that CIA runs Joshua Project to convert hindus and then divide India into 3 countries ,one in south india, one in north east india both of which will be made christian nations. The funds were funneled through charities established by the missionaries and well supported by Urban Naxals who enjoyed sponsored trips abroad with fancy degrees awarded. After 2014 when the Government of India came down heavily on Foreign funded NGOs for not complying with the laws of India. Around 6000 of them were banned from raising funds which included prominent NGO of George Soros Cartel Oxfam India,Missionaries of Charity, Amnesty International, Centre for Policy Research, Independent and Public Spirited Media Foundation (IPSMF). Many of these NGOs have been involved to fund anti social elements for causing destruction to infrastructure projects, sabotaging trains, organised street protest with the sole intention to create anarchy and unrest in India.

There are unfounded allegations suggesting that Barack Obama has been influenced by the Deep State and that a global cabal is interested in inciting a conflict between India and China to pursue American dominance. Furthermore, it is claimed that these remarks will be amplified by Big Tech companies like Facebook, Amazon, WhatsApp, and Google to interfere in the electoral process and undermine the current Indian government led by Narendra Modi. The Indian government maintains strategic autonomy in its foreign policy decisions. Narendra Modi’s recent visit to the United States was aimed at strengthening global partnerships and showcasing India’s role as a leader in the Global South. His focus on providing free vaccines and resisting pressure from pharmaceutical companies reflects India’s commitment to addressing global challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, while safeguarding its own interests. India’s growing diplomatic influence has been met with both support and some concerns in various circles.

The Indian Government’s efforts to foster a positive relationship with the Biden Administration and promote shared mutual interests between the two democracies are indeed important. It is crucial for India to maintain a close watch on the dynamics within the American Administration to ensure that the relationship continues to flourish. The Ministry of External Affairs plays a vital role in monitoring and navigating potential challenges that may arise from any rogue or unmanageable elements within the American Administration.

9 thoughts on ““Controversy Surrounding Obama’s Remarks on India and Potential Foreign Influence”

    1. The Indian government should pursue the promises made by Modiji.
      We the Independent Indians & NRI should condemn BHO openly and confront ALL the enemies of Hindus in one Global voice. We need a parallel out of India- Voice of the Hindus governing body to fight these barbarians who want to impose their ideology on others. We are a freedom loving vibrant largest community in the World. Let’s take the Challenge and condemn the likes of Obama in one voice with Unity. Sathyameva Jayate. Jai Shri Krishna

  1. Obama is hand maid of the toolkit propaganda
    Very unfortunate yet true.I leas expected this avatar from him but he has been bought

  2. Let BH Obama read as which community is a terrorist and promotes terrorism it neither India or Hindus it is Obama’s Muslims

  3. Mr. Modi has demonstrated and again that his policies with reference to minorities with in India are fair but outsider,s interest such as those voiced by Obama and funded by the likes of George Soros do not find any favours. Mr Obama should concentrate on problems of minorities with in USA rather than India. Mr Modi is doing very well for India’s minorities and balancing that with fairness for all Indians.

  4. Even though Baraka Obama was the president of agreat democratic country,but basically he is a Muslim. Where was he when kashmiri Hindus were killed and 5 lakhs of Hindus were throne out of kashmir and a genocide took place in a Hindu majority country that is india. Not a single protest happened anywhere in the country. Baraka and others like him shd know that Hindus r secular since thousands of years. Rest be assured Baraka .uslims r more safe in India than anywhere else in the world
    But then they shd behave. Don’t expect people to be Mahatma Gandhi.

  5. Even though Baraka Obama was the president of agreat democratic country,but basically he is a Muslim. Where was he when kashmiri Hindus were killed and 5 lakhs of Hindus were throne out of kashmir and a genocide took place in a Hindu majority country that is india. Not a single protest happened anywhere in the country. Baraka and others like him shd know that indianHindus r secular since thousands of years. Rest be assured Baraka .uslims r more safe in India than anywhere else in the world
    But then they shd behave. Don’t expect people to be Mahatma Gandhi.

  6. Ex USA President Mr
    Obama’s thought is totally biased and supported by anti India organisations.If an Indian (Hindu) is in distress to protect hi cultural values wants to strengthen then anti Indians start crying. why? And get togather worldwide to weaken anyhow. Pakistan Bangladesh Afghanistan etc all have destroyed Hinduism their States. More over the above countries have already taken their part without any authenticity. Musli ms have no more rights to interfere. Christians too have no more right to get political benifits because they have changed their way to more glorious religion (which is not true )जिस थाली में खाते है उसी में छेद करने का अधिकार नहीं होना चाहिए. I totally boycott Mr. Obama’s view.

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